Immigrant Justice Prevails at the Ballot Box as NYIC Action Endorsed Candidates Triumph in Primary Election

New York, NY—Last night, New Yorkers voted to support immigrant communities by reelecting our slate of immigrant rights legislative champions for the June Primary. 

NYIC Action’s slate of endorsed candidates emerged victorious in their races for the State Senate and State Assembly. With immigration being one of the top concerning issues for both national and local voters, the victory for immigrant justice is clear.

This victory represents a significant milestone in ensuring that immigrant New Yorkers are represented in the halls of power and that policies are ultimately passed that recognize the contributions that immigrants make to our communities and economy. 

Murad Awawdeh, President and CEO of NYIC Action, said:

“Despite the efforts of MAGA Republicans to push their anti-immigrant agenda and target immigrant communities, New Yorkers rejected the politics of division. These primary election results serve as a reminder that voters elect candidates who lead with inclusive policies that will enable all New Yorkers to thrive. We congratulate NYIC Action’s endorsed candidates and look forward to working with them to advance policies to improve the lives of everyone who calls New York home.”

​​NYIC Action-endorsed candidates who achieved triumph include:

State Senate

  • Kristen Gonzalez, District 59

State Assembly

  • Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas, District 34

  • Larinda Hooks, District 35

  • Ron Kim, District 40

  • Emily Gallagher, District 50

  • Eddie Gibbs, District 68

  • Al Taylor, District 71

  • Manny De Los Santos, District 72

  • Sarahana Shrestha, District 103

To view NYIC Action’s full slate of 2024 endorsed candidates, click here


This election cycle, NYIC Action endorsed candidates for New York State Senate and State Assembly. These endorsements were made following a careful review of candidates who signed on to NYIC Action’s policy platform pledge, to create healthy communities; end state support for detention, deportation, and mass incarceration; create quality education for all; build immigrant power and guarantee civil rights; and ensure economic justice and good jobs.