NYIC Action was founded in 2007 as a 501(c)(4) not for profit corporation, in order to make sure immigrants had a seat at the table of the national comprehensive immigration reform debate. We are pioneering a new immigrant power-building concept by building a large base of dues-paying individual members who will be directly plugged into potent immigrant rights advocacy campaigns. Working with our sister 501(c)(3) organization, the New York Immigration Coalition, NYIC Action will outreach to the over 200 nonprofit organizations serving immigrants in New York State.

In order to increase the political potency of the immigrant vote NYIC Action endorses candidates and elected officials who stand up for immigrant communities and against anti-immigrant opponents. NYIC Action engages in targeted advocacy on specific immigrant-related issues such as legislative scorecards, pointed advocacy flyers highlighting individual elected officials’ stances, and intensive grassroots and direct lobbying of elected officials.

NYIC Action is a founding board member of Movement of Immigrants in America (Mia), a national 501(c)(4) membership organization.