Immigrant Advocates to Donald Trump: The Bronx Does Not Stand with You

New York, NY—Today, NYIC Action issued the following statement in response to Donald Trump’s rally in the South Bronx.

Murad Awawdeh, President and CEO of NYIC Action, said:
“There is no place for Donald Trump’s hatred and racism in a neighborhood as diverse, vibrant and rich with immigrant history as the South Bronx. We abhor that the former president would rally in a community where roughly one in three people is foreign-born, after claiming that immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ and vowing to deport all undocumented immigrants if elected. The former president may have been born in New York, but one glance at his 2016 and 2020 election results in New York State shows that he doesn’t represent New Yorkers. Trump should focus on staying out of jail and leave New Yorkers out of his campaign grounded in white supremacy and nativism.”