The NYIC Action is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit corporation that advocates and elevates the interests of immigrant New Yorkers for an accountable and fair democracy. NYIC Action is the political sister organization of the New York Immigration Coalition, the largest immigrant rights organization of its kind in the nation.  

In order to increase the political potency of the immigrant vote, NYIC Action endorses candidates and elected officials who stand up for immigrant communities and against anti-immigrant opponents.   

We offer a vision for immigrant justice in New York City, with five issue areas that are critical to our immigrant communities:

  • Building Political Power and Guaranteed Civil Rights

  • Ending State Support for Detention, Deportation and Mass Incarceration

  • Ensuring Economic Justice and Good Jobs

  • Quality Education

  • Creating Healthy Communities

In order to be considered for our official endorsement process, candidates for state office must agree to champion our vision and adopt it as part of their campaign’s policy platform.